Empathy Map

A way of researching users and understanding their behaviour in the context of the product, helping designers in understanding users' needs and expectations and what motivates them to act.

Designers can use this type of research to understand better their users and what kinds of experiences they are looking for. And this will allow the designers better empathize with their users, making them a part of the learning cycle.

More terms you might want to know


The process of adding game-like qualities to an experience like a website or application. To ensure that these activities are engaging enough for the users, it often includes gradual rewards such as levels and badges systems, which can further encourage engagement with the app.


The process of adjusting the spacing between individual letters to improve or avoid particular visual distortions.

Customer Experience

The sum of all experiences an individual has with a company or its delivery channels during their journey. From handling and registering a complaint to ordering new products, these interactions are monitored and analyzed at every touchpoint by frontline employees, developers, designers, and product managers for improvement opportunities.

RAW Image

A digital image captured by a digital camera or scanner that has not been processed in any way by the camera software.


The measure of a device or computer system's ability to capture fine detail. A higher number of pixels can provide more details and finer images on the screen.


A file format that supports both static and animated images. It is a popular file format on the internet and social media due to its wide colour support, portability, and animating capabilities.

Greyscale / Grayscale

Black, white, and all the values of shades in between.

Cool Colours

Colours on the opposite side of the colour wheel to warm colours. Typically bluish in tone, such as blue or green.

Dark Pattern

A type of user interface design carefully crafted to trick people into doing things they might not want to do.


The designation of a set of character encoding styles for glyphs that are not capital letters.


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