Body Copy

The main text of an advertisement or editorial as opposed to headings and subheadings.

More terms you might want to know


A portion of an image where the remainder is discarded.


A non-functional first draft of a design.

User Scenario

An example of a typical user and the actions they take. Typically these are written in the form of a story.


Framing consisting of cutting off or obscuring most of the surrounding of a subject, removing distractions from the background and emphasising the subject.

Quick Keys or Shortcuts

A Shortcut is a computer function that performs a set of commands to save time. A Quick Key is a keyboard shortcut used to trigger an action.

Centre Aligned

A layout where all the content, mostly text, is aligned to the centre. The overall purpose of a Centre Alignment is to make it easier for users to read and scroll through content.

Cap Height

The distance from the baseline to the top of a capital letter, number, or other upper-case glyphs.

Web Page Elements

A textual or graphical component in a web page.


A colour that appears to be pure and lacks any lightness (or tone) or saturation.

Affinity Diagram

A data visualisation tool that can be used to explore and group people's thoughts or reactions to a set of concepts. Affinity diagrams are often used in user research and design thinking as an experimental technique for generating new ideas or solutions.

The emergent patterns in these visual representations can help identify which aspects your audience will respond well to, thus enabling decisions on the information architecture and next steps in the process.

It is important to note that affinity diagrams were initially developed for qualitative research but have since been adapted for quantitative research (though they are not typically used with statistical data).


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