Conversion Rate

The number of visits that result in a purchase or some other goal. It can measure any conversion event, such as download, registration, purchase, etc.

More terms you might want to know

Point Size

A unit for defining the size of a font. It's not a distance; this unit's measurement is only relative to the typeface's design.

Aspect Ratio

The ratio of a rectangle's width to its height. It is measured by dividing the shorter side length, here "w" or width, by the longer side length, "h" or height. The aspect ratio may be given as either a fraction or as a decimal.


A printing press that uses movable type and punches to make impressions on paper.


A decoration technique used primarily on paper, metal, and some plastics in which ink or another printing medium is pressed into the material's surface to create a three-dimensional effect.

Infinite Scroll

Generally used when a page has so much content that it would be impossibly long to load the entire page at once. Infinite scroll consists of an auto-generated list of items that constantly loads new items as they load off the bottom of the screen.


The art of drawing original characters and symbols — especially for decorative purposes.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

A term that means the smallest amount of work that can be done to move a project forward.

Miller's Law

An observation in Psychology that suggests that the number of mental objects the average person can keep track of is seven (plus or minus two).

Analogous Colours

Colours that have a relation in their hue. A colour wheel can be used to help identify analogous colours. Analogous colours are typically found next to each other on the colour wheel.


A design or decoration impressed into the surface of a material.


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