A digital file created in Adobe's illustration and photo manipulation software Photoshop. PSD files are used to edit images, create graphics, art, icons, images, among a plethora of other things.
A design technique employed on websites and mobile apps that encourages users to scroll to view additional content.
An imaginary line on which most letters "sit". As such, it equals the height of an em square. The expected result of a baseline is to reference the height with which text is aligned. The alignment ranges from ascenders, which are the upper strokes in b, d, and h, down to descenders like j or y.
The process of adding game-like qualities to an experience like a website or application. To ensure that these activities are engaging enough for the users, it often includes gradual rewards such as levels and badges systems, which can further encourage engagement with the app.
Commonly used to describe a 2D graphic that is made up of an organized grid of pixels, in other words, a bitmap.
The primary graphic that appears at the top of a webpage, designed to grab people's attention.
An iterative process that designers use to understand the user, challenge assumptions, and redefine the problems to identify alternative strategies and solutions that might not be instantly apparent with our initial level of understanding. Design Thinking provides a solution-based approach to solving problems. It is a way of thinking and working as well as a collection of hands-on methods.
A discipline that analyses the usability of an application by assessing its interaction design and user experience.
Colours that have a relation in their hue. A colour wheel can be used to help identify analogous colours. Analogous colours are typically found next to each other on the colour wheel.
A process in which subjects use a product or service under test conditions and report their experience.
The process of adjusting the spacing between individual letters to improve or avoid particular visual distortions.