Font Case

The way characters are capitalised within a word or phrase. Common font cases are uppercase, lowercase, capitalised (or title case) and sentence case.

More terms you might want to know


Text that flows from right to left and is the default reading direction of a page with its content aligned on the right margin.


Text that flows from left to right and is the default reading direction of a page with its content aligned on the left margin.


A tool that allows user experience designers, or people who design products and websites with consumers in mind, to track where users look on the screen. Eye-tracking can measure users’ attention and the duration of time they spend on different areas of a website. With this information, websites can create user experience solutions such as buttons with varying colours designed to catch the eye.

Full-stack Developer

A software developer who designs, develops, maintains and supports the entire end-to-end product. These developers are capable of developing and implementing modern solutions to any industry problem. They typically work with different technologies such as mobile application development, web application development, back-end software development and front-end software development.

Hero Image

The primary graphic that appears at the top of a webpage, designed to grab people's attention.

Font Size

A measure of the height of a set of text on an element.

System Font

A type of font that comes pre-installed in an operating system.

Analogous Colours

Colours that have a relation in their hue. A colour wheel can be used to help identify analogous colours. Analogous colours are typically found next to each other on the colour wheel.

Infinite Scroll

Generally used when a page has so much content that it would be impossibly long to load the entire page at once. Infinite scroll consists of an auto-generated list of items that constantly loads new items as they load off the bottom of the screen.

Colour Palette

A specific set of colours, usually with a limited number of values, chosen to suit the needs of a particular design.


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