CSS or Cascading Style Sheets are a language for describing the look and formatting of HTML elements in a webpage.

More terms you might want to know

Diary Study

A technique for understanding people’s experience of a product or service. Participants are asked to keep daily records of their experience using the product, and these records are taken into consideration when designing the design.

Isolation Effect

A psychological principle which predicts that when multiple homogeneous stimuli are presented, the stimulus which differs from the rest is most likely to be remembered. In other words, people tend to remember items in isolation more than those of a similar nature or objects in clusters. This phenomenon has been applied in designing websites and software with various levels of success.

Interaction Design

The design of the interaction between users and products. Interaction design is focused on creating products that enable the user to achieve their objective(s) in the best way possible.


A graphical representation of a scenario, usually created and presented in sequence.


A sequence of user actions on a website. In UX design, it's important to note the order in which users interact with your site so you can redesign it for optimum usability.


The name, logo, and other identifying information at the top of a newspaper or magazine publication.


The adjustment of all characters in a line by moving them closer together or farther apart.

Pull Quote

A brief snippet taken from the text of an article.


The art of drawing original characters and symbols — especially for decorative purposes.

Font Type

Most typefaces are classified into one of five basic classifications: serif, sans serif, script, monospaced, and display.


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