Hero Image

The primary graphic that appears at the top of a webpage, designed to grab people's attention.

More terms you might want to know

A/B Testing

A statistical method in which two variants of the same activity are compared against each other (typically with several variants), one at a time, and the most effective variant is selected.

Aspect Ratio

The ratio of a rectangle's width to its height. It is measured by dividing the shorter side length, here "w" or width, by the longer side length, "h" or height. The aspect ratio may be given as either a fraction or as a decimal.

User Scenario

An example of a typical user and the actions they take. Typically these are written in the form of a story.


Commonly used to describe a 2D graphic that is made up of an organized grid of pixels, in other words, a bitmap.


A non-functional first draft of a design.

Printer's Proof

A print that the printer receives to monitor the progress of production. Proofing is a matter of looking at the print to ensure that it has been printed correctly and that the colours are rendered accurately.


CSS or Cascading Style Sheets are a language for describing the look and formatting of HTML elements in a webpage.


The measure of a device or computer system's ability to capture fine detail. A higher number of pixels can provide more details and finer images on the screen.

Information Architecture

The art and science of arranging information so that it's intuitive to find, easy to navigate, presents a cohesive design, meets accessibility guidelines, looks attractive on any device or screen size and ultimately drives behaviour change.


A type of typographical contrast used to convey emphasis. Italics were initially developed for the printing press and are now widely used in print, web design, public signs and labelling systems.


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