
The small, non-essential text that appears on an interface. It has been set up specifically to be short and concise to draw attention to an essential user experience.

More terms you might want to know

Customer Experience

The sum of all experiences an individual has with a company or its delivery channels during their journey. From handling and registering a complaint to ordering new products, these interactions are monitored and analyzed at every touchpoint by frontline employees, developers, designers, and product managers for improvement opportunities.


Framing consisting of cutting off or obscuring most of the surrounding of a subject, removing distractions from the background and emphasising the subject.

User Interviews

The act of gathering qualitative data about a person's thoughts and feelings related to a product.

Stock Photo

A photograph that is purchased and licensed for exclusive use by an individual or business.

User Journey Map

A diagram that reflects the processes and steps a user would take when completing a certain task or goal. The User Journey Map also highlights the key activities, touchpoints, stakeholders, and benefits of an experience. In order to develop an effective strategy that helps guide users through the process of reaching their goals and objectives, the User Journey Map provides a comprehensive view of how your customers will navigate towards achieving their goals.


The relative lightness or darkness of a hue.


The typographic presentation of a company's name in a stylized form.

Pull Quote

A brief snippet taken from the text of an article.


A language used to create web pages, and it stands for Hypertext Markup Language.

Pantone (PMS)

The Pantone Matching System is a colour-matching system for printing inks. It is a proprietary colour-matching system that was developed so that when an artist picks PMS colour or swatch, they can be confident in knowing what colours would be produced no matter the application.


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