UX Audit

A discipline that analyses the usability of an application by assessing its interaction design and user experience.

More terms you might want to know


A system of columns and rows designers use to create layouts. It's used in graphic design and web development to align elements for easy use on the page. Grids are a key part of design because they help you create balance, rhythm, proportion and hierarchy in your layout.


The process of adjusting the spacing between individual letters to improve or avoid particular visual distortions.

Analogous Colours

Colours that have a relation in their hue. A colour wheel can be used to help identify analogous colours. Analogous colours are typically found next to each other on the colour wheel.


A generic term for adding colour to an image. A tint can be applied by darkening a colour to create different shades or lightening the saturation, creating a washed-out look.

JPEG Image

JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Expert Group, an international standards body that sets standards for creating and handling compressed digital images. The JPEG file format was designed to balance good visual quality and small file size, typically through lossy compression. The JPEG file format is widely used as a means of compressing digital images, particularly those produced by digital cameras.

Placeholder Text

Text that is used to fill in a gap in a document.

Empathy Map

A way of researching users and understanding their behaviour in the context of the product, helping designers in understanding users' needs and expectations and what motivates them to act.

Designers can use this type of research to understand better their users and what kinds of experiences they are looking for. And this will allow the designers better empathize with their users, making them a part of the learning cycle.

Dark Pattern

A type of user interface design carefully crafted to trick people into doing things they might not want to do.


The relative lightness or darkness of a hue.

Small Caps

Small uppercase letters, generally about half as tall as regular uppercase letters.


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