
The feeling or mood created by a design.

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The last line of a paragraph following the rest, or a single line in a paragraph that is out of place with the rest.

Design Sprint

A way to create and test designs. Designers use design sprints as a time-intensive method of quickly testing ideas and then pivoting into designing for user needs. A designer may then take the prototype they created on the first day of the design sprint and fix any usability issues with it, which is a quick way to get feedback on their work before continuing development.


The measure of a device or computer system's ability to capture fine detail. A higher number of pixels can provide more details and finer images on the screen.


A graphical representation of the user on a device, used to represent various users in different contexts. It can be a photo, image or drawing.

User Interface (UI)

A type of graphical interface that allows the user to interact with the application on a screen, such as a computer monitor or smartphone, using various types of input devices.


A tool that allows user experience designers, or people who design products and websites with consumers in mind, to track where users look on the screen. Eye-tracking can measure users’ attention and the duration of time they spend on different areas of a website. With this information, websites can create user experience solutions such as buttons with varying colours designed to catch the eye.

Usability Testing

A process in which subjects use a product or service under test conditions and report their experience.


A pixel, or a picture element, is the smallest addressable element in a display device.

Die Cut

A type of print/design created with a metal stamp to create a shape out of paper using a die cutting machine. Die cuts can be used in apparel, home decor and promotional products.

Load More Scrolling

A design technique employed on websites and mobile apps that encourages users to scroll to view additional content.


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