
A printing term that describes how close an object is to the edge of a printed page. Bleeds are often used in graphic design for books, magazines, posters and other printed materials with photographs or illustrations.

More terms you might want to know

User Interviews

The act of gathering qualitative data about a person's thoughts and feelings related to a product.


The part of a letter, usually a vertical line, that rise above the x-height.


A sequence of user actions on a website. In UX design, it's important to note the order in which users interact with your site so you can redesign it for optimum usability.

Font Case

The way characters are capitalised within a word or phrase. Common font cases are uppercase, lowercase, capitalised (or title case) and sentence case.


A type of design where the colours or tones gradually change from one colour to another. Gradients are often used in graphic design to add visual interest and give the appearance of "extensions" or "glosses" of a particular colour.

Cap Height

The distance from the baseline to the top of a capital letter, number, or other upper-case glyphs.


The distance between two points of extrusion or an object. It can also be defined as the measurement of size.


A graphical representation of the user on a device, used to represent various users in different contexts. It can be a photo, image or drawing.


PPI stands for Point Per Inch. PPI is the number of dots per inch in a printer's resolution or the number of pixels per inch in a monitor's screen resolution. The more PPI, the higher your image quality will be as it becomes sharper and clearer. The lower your PPI, the lower your image quality will be, and the more likely you'll see individual pixels in an image.

Type Properties

The attributes of a typeface. Type properties include weight, width, colour and x-height.


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