Responsive Design

The process of developing a product or design system that can be altered to fit different device and interaction contexts.

More terms you might want to know


CSS or Cascading Style Sheets are a language for describing the look and formatting of HTML elements in a webpage.


The surface quality of an element.


A unit of measurement that equals 1/6 of an inch, or 1/72 of a foot.

Load More Scrolling

A design technique employed on websites and mobile apps that encourages users to scroll to view additional content.


A small picture or design that represents an idea, function, or some other type of visual concept. For example, in computer graphics and web development, an icon is a pictorial representation of a program or file type.


One or more words (typically at the end of a paragraph) that are separated from the rest of the text. Orphans are generally thought of as bad design, but it’s a matter of taste.

Colour Palette

A specific set of colours, usually with a limited number of values, chosen to suit the needs of a particular design.

Aspect Ratio

The ratio of a rectangle's width to its height. It is measured by dividing the shorter side length, here "w" or width, by the longer side length, "h" or height. The aspect ratio may be given as either a fraction or as a decimal.

Heuristic Evaluation

A usability assessment method that is used to evaluate a design against established usability principles or heuristics. It is based on the idea that designers can use their experience to find areas of poor design without extensive user testing.

Font Case

The way characters are capitalised within a word or phrase. Common font cases are uppercase, lowercase, capitalised (or title case) and sentence case.


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