
The path of any movement, mark, shape, or other feature of a design. It can be the border of an element or even the tight edge of a text box, etc.

More terms you might want to know

Soft Return

Also called a line break, when you want to keep the text in one paragraph and not follow it with an airy space.

HEART Framework

A framework that helps a company evaluate any aspect of its user experience according to five metrics, which form the acronym HEART. These metrics are: 1. Happiness 2. Engagement 3. Adoption 4. Retention 5. Task success

Diary Study

A technique for understanding people’s experience of a product or service. Participants are asked to keep daily records of their experience using the product, and these records are taken into consideration when designing the design.


The name, logo, and other identifying information at the top of a newspaper or magazine publication.

User Interface (UI)

A type of graphical interface that allows the user to interact with the application on a screen, such as a computer monitor or smartphone, using various types of input devices.

Hero Image

The primary graphic that appears at the top of a webpage, designed to grab people's attention.


A greater typographic weight than the standard typeface, often used to highlight text that the writer wants to emphasise or denote sections, headlines or quotes in printed material.

Bold type is a little heavier than the average type because of its higher contrast, making it more readable. The opposite of bold type is light type, also known as regular or book.

Hamburger Menu

A well-known UI element in computer applications. It's an expandable menu of context-specific commands typically launched from the application's main menu.

Trim Size

The width and height of a document, after having been cut down to size from a larger sheet.

Stock Photo

A photograph that is purchased and licensed for exclusive use by an individual or business.


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