The typographic term for the dot above the letters 'i' and 'j'.
Text that is used to fill in a gap in a document.
A non-functional first draft of a design.
In typography, a bowl is a curved shape used to control the area of white space.
A concept used in systems design to describe the negative consequences of making seemingly innocuous design changes. Shorthand for a product's delayed but inevitable need to be reworked due to earlier, seemingly trivial decisions not having been fully thought through in the original release.
Designers incur this "debt" by making quick and easy choices that save time in the present but cause more complex problems later on down the road when it becomes necessary to change or add something.
The thickness or thinness of a typeface. Common font weights are light, regular/normal, semi-bold, bold and extra bold.
A type of user interface design carefully crafted to trick people into doing things they might not want to do.
The distance between two points of extrusion or an object. It can also be defined as the measurement of size.
An example of a typical user and the actions they take. Typically these are written in the form of a story.
A type of design where the colours or tones gradually change from one colour to another. Gradients are often used in graphic design to add visual interest and give the appearance of "extensions" or "glosses" of a particular colour.
The way that a user navigates through a website, app, etc.