The last line of a paragraph following the rest, or a single line in a paragraph that is out of place with the rest.
A type of font designed to imitate handwriting.
A logo which is usually a combination of text and graphic imagery that acts as the company's symbol.
A name, symbol or other distinctive feature that distinguishes one business's product from another's, often associated with a logo, design, slogan and other items.
The typographic presentation of a company's name in a stylized form.
A statistical method in which two variants of the same activity are compared against each other (typically with several variants), one at a time, and the most effective variant is selected.
A printing press that uses movable type and punches to make impressions on paper.
A way of developing new products or services using a process of repeated and regular refinement, in which prototypes are made, evaluated, revised, and re-evaluated until the desired result is achieved. High profile companies have successfully implemented iterative design to create effective and innovative products.
A graphical representation of the density and distribution of data points. Denser regions in the image are interpreted as the data points' frequency, while lower densities are interpreted as fewer data points in that area.
Heatmaps show you where people worldwide are clicking on content to help you understand how people interact with your website designs and content.
The intensity of a color relative to its own brightness. Colours are said to be saturated when they have a strong hue and high intensity.
The unused or empty space in a composition of images, either two-dimensional (as with paintings) or three-dimensional (as with sculptures).