The width and height of a document, after having been cut down to size from a larger sheet.
A textual or graphical component in a web page.
A term that means the smallest amount of work that can be done to move a project forward.
When you need to break a line of text and start on a new line in a text box.
A graphical representation of a scenario, usually created and presented in sequence.
The typographic term for the dot above the letters 'i' and 'j'.
A non-functional first draft of a design.
The use of light or dark objects positioned over colourful backgrounds. Blurred backdrops allow bright colours to come through and convey a sense of frosted glass.
Also called a paragraph mark, a paragraph sign or section marker, is a typographical character for separating paragraphs. It looks like a "ΒΆ".
A digital file created in Adobe's illustration and photo manipulation software Photoshop. PSD files are used to edit images, create graphics, art, icons, images, among a plethora of other things.
The relative lightness or darkness of a hue.