Pull Quote

A brief snippet taken from the text of an article.

More terms you might want to know

Ball Terminal

In handwriting and calligraphy, ball terminals are the end of a stroke that resembles a ball. They are also used in some typefaces like cursive or old-style typefaces.


A basic design tool that helps designers create and communicate ideas.

Colour Palette

A specific set of colours, usually with a limited number of values, chosen to suit the needs of a particular design.

Abstract Mark

An abstract mark is a type of logo where instead of being a recognizable object from everyday life, it is an abstract geometric form representing a business or brand. Famous examples include the BP starburst logo, and the Pepsi divided circle.


A graphical representation of the user on a device, used to represent various users in different contexts. It can be a photo, image or drawing.

Analogous Colours

Colours that have a relation in their hue. A colour wheel can be used to help identify analogous colours. Analogous colours are typically found next to each other on the colour wheel.

User Interviews

The act of gathering qualitative data about a person's thoughts and feelings related to a product.

Lorem Ipsum

A type of text used as filler or placeholder text. Since the dawn of time, it has been around and is sometimes erroneously referred to as "a nonsense sentence used by printers who have run out of typesetting space".

Zeigarnik Effect

A psychological phenomenon that states that people tend to remember unfinished or interrupted tasks better than completed tasks.


A type of design technique utilised in the creation of visuals and illustrations. Blur is used to create an impression of movement or a sense of depth.


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