
The intensity of a color relative to its own brightness. Colours are said to be saturated when they have a strong hue and high intensity.

More terms you might want to know

Interaction Design

The design of the interaction between users and products. Interaction design is focused on creating products that enable the user to achieve their objective(s) in the best way possible.

Fishbone Diagram

Also known as an Ishikawa diagram, is a widely used technique in project management. The diagram provides a means of evaluating the cause-and-effect relationship between the various activities necessary for completing a project by visualising all activities in the project as bones that interconnect on an anterior and posterior spine, with causality flowing from one to another.


A non-functional first draft of a design.


A pixel, or a picture element, is the smallest addressable element in a display device.

Breadcrumb Navigation

Typically used on the internet or web pages to provide easily accessible navigation for users. Typically, the breadcrumb navigation appears along the top of a webpage or at other locations on a webpage so that users can know where they are on a site quickly and efficiently.

Character Set

A set of symbols or "characters" including letters, numbers and various other symbols.


The art of decorative writing practised by many different people in many different cultures. Calligraphy is sometimes used to add a personal touch to wedding invitations, special event invitations, and other projects.


A basic design tool that helps designers create and communicate ideas.

Font Weight

The thickness or thinness of a typeface. Common font weights are light, regular/normal, semi-bold, bold and extra bold.


The typographic term for the dot above the letters 'i' and 'j'.


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